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Thursday, January 21, 2016

January 2016 Soap Challenge - Circling Taiwan Swirl (Lotus Swirl)

January 2016 Soap Challenge 
The Circling Taiwan Swirl
Hosted by Amy Warden

 Hello Everyone! 

Can you believe we are in a new year?!! Starting the years monthly challenges by Amy Warden we have The Circling Taiwan Swirl also called the Lotus Swirl as it creates a lovely Lotus flower design when cut horizontally. I have been inspired by Elaine Wright of Misty Springs Bath & Body. She provided the tutorial video for this month challenge. Thank you so very much Elaine!
 If you haven't tried this type of swirl yet, it is really fun and worth a try!

Keeping the Soap batter fluid is key to a good flow in the pattern.

My Recipe included: Olive, Coconut, Castor, Shea, and Hazelnut oils. Fragrance was Bamboo Lotus by Crafters Choice. It smells really nice, a good fresh floral, more in the 'green' side - not sweet.

Here is my entry photo:
Well folks, this was my first ever attempt and recording a video. It seemed to be going OK until the Camera battery died, then my backup battery failed too! (generic) - yikes!! - Then you tube said what I had was too lengthy (24 min) so I had to cut out the first bit - mostly stirring, dividing etc. I had verbally explained my color selections in that part so I just added comments to the remaining portion. * It's been an interesting adventure - and another mark in my "learning as I go" book. hey if you don't jump in and get wet, you can't learn to swim right? : )
Here is my video attempt! :

I wanted to keep my Soap batter thin, so I wanted to keep my temp to combine lye and oils close to 100 degrees. My scent choice was a new one for me, Called Bamboo Lotus by Crafter Choice. I almost went with Brambleberrys Flower Child, but was concerned it would accelerate trace. Both scents are terrific! 
 The Lotus Blossom did not accelerate my batch at all - and the scent is coming through really well during this first couple of weeks curing.

I was able to unmold only 12 hours later - I think the quickest I've ever been able too. I did let the loaf 'set up'  for 4 more hours before cutting. It was very soft. 
After curing a couple of days, there was a noticeable whitish cast to the colors, not really a powder. I rinsed my soaps in water briefly to reveal the brightness of the colors before final photos. 

These are two of the photos that inspired my color choices. Lotus flowers are so beautiful!

Thanks for looking!!! : ) I can't wait to see everyone elses soapy creations! 
Thank you to Amy Warden for this terrific platform for us to learn from each other. 

I hope you all have a Wonderful Day!