Great Cakes Soapworks Challenge by Amy Warden
~ Piping Technique! ~
Floral Guest Soaps ~ White Tea & Ginger scent
It's time for another of Great Cakes Soapworks fantastic challenges! For me this was really hard! I have always admired Piped soaps, but had not really been driven to try doing it. That is why entering these challenges are soooo awesome ~ they make me go where i have never gone before in my soapy universe! :)
I chose to try a floral guest soap theme.
Here is my entry!
Using a Lard 37%, Coconut 25%, Castor 12.5%, Olive Oil 25%. I combine Lye & Oils at low temp, close to 80-85 degrees.
I used Brambleberrys White Tea & Ginger fragrance in the main batter ~ Awesome scent!
The tips I used (experimented with) were # 67, 98, 101. I didn't have a smooth 'smile" tip, so my Chrysanthemums look more like Hens & Chicks!! Oh well ~ i like hens & chicks :))
The batter was still too mushy when I first put it in the bags, I just had to keep trying & experiment. It took close to 1 hr ++ to get a consistency that would hold shape.
The texture looked weird & grainy to me. I never did stick blend at all, so I wonder if that had something to do with it? *I plan on using a blender next time I try piping to compare the texture.
I didn't take pics of all the first disasters, and the first ones that resembled anything did not show any of the color variation from the mixed bag. So I didn't use them.
I let my flowers & leaves set up separately. It took a few day actually for me to get back to making the bases in the guest mold. I just placed the leaves & flowers on the soap I blended to a thick trace before pouring/glopping into the mold.
I like the look of the little guest soaps! I don't think they would be very practical to use tho. Once I get better at lower profile shapes I will try again!
More finished photos!
I have a loooong way to go learning to pipe soaps better, but have loved trying!
Thanks to Amy Warden for hosting this challenge ~ fantastic learning opportunity ~ as always~ :))
Also thanks to all those that shared such fantastic tips to learn with.
Have a wonderful Day ~ Eva